CS-GO Update Notes 02.08.2017

  • The following changes are in the “” CS:GO Beta depot.

    [ GAMEPLAY ]

    – Shipping initial changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons, beginning with the Tec-9.

    — Tec-9: The Tec-9 has been adjusted to emphasize aiming while retaining the weapon’s high mobility. The current changes include:

    – – slightly improved accuracy when taking a single shot

    – – significantly reduced accuracy when firing rapidly

    – – magazine and reserve ammo reduced to 18 and 90, respectively

    – Extended the existing camera height restriction system to include cases where a player is in the air, preventing the first-person camera from rising above their third-person head.

    – Players will now make a landing sound if they un-crouch while crouch-jumping.

    – Fixed several inconsistencies where sounds were not broadcast when a player was occluded by a wall. (Thanks, simpleavaster!)

    [ LINUX ]

    – Cleaned up the way CS:GO launches so there is one fewer process